Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well allyson's blog is basically lacking all of the important requested information so i guess that there is nothing much to be done in that blog.



Celia's blog is also an interesting one with lots of helpful tips and such to promote better teaching I didn't find a personal voice, but the rapid response time is acceptable and everything is linked so that the readers can verify the facts behind a blog. She doesn't have a lot of mistakes in her writing, and her P.O.V. is normal.



First of all stephy's space colors are too girly lol. But on a serious note i didn't find a personal voice in there, even though the blog is very interesting and helpful, the rapid response time is not that bad i saw that she answered back in no time, she's got the ability to link so that us as readers can verify the facts behind a blogpost, she has good writing on her blog and has her own P.O.V. on certain stuff.



The blog is in Spanish! It belongs to a few friends of mine, I believe there is a personal voice of a friend in there, the response is immediately, if is not in a few hours it won't take more than 24 hours, they keep updating it every week some times even 3 or 4 times per week. readers can verify the facts behind a blogpost EASILY, but as long as the writing goes some times is not that great.



Honestly I don't have much free time, but whenever i have a few hours off, I just do whatever is needed to be done at the time, if I have to run some errands I do it and such! but besides that I'm always listening to music, at work, at home doing home works (like I'm doing right now) and etc, etc.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Stages Viewing Comprehension Activity

1. Previewing:

Define the word homecoming in your own words and write a few lines about what comes to your mind every time you hear that word.

2. While viewing:

1st Activity – True or False
The video shot in summer time T/F

The whole video is in colors T/F

You can find three artists performing in the video? T/F

He uses the phrase "you don’t know what you got until is gone in this song" T/F

The video was definitely shot in New York; you can see the Twin Towers in there T/F

Kanye West is wearing scarf the whole video T/F

Chris Martin is playing the piano in the video T/F

2nd Activity – Short answers
What is the nickname they have for the city of Chicago?

Do you think Kanye West and Chris Martin were feeling the song as they performed in the video? Explain why?

Do you think the video relates to the lyrics? Explain why?

Is it a nice video from your point of view?

3. Post viewing:

Did you like the lyrics of the song? Explain why?

What is the whole song/video about; who is he dedicating the song to?

Here’s a little bit about Chicago… It’s the largest city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and with more than 2.8 million people, the 3rd largest city in the United States, located on the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan (Mentioned in the song) Chicago is the third-most densely populated major city in the U.S., and anchor to the world's 26th largest metropolitan area with over 9.5 million people across three states.

Write a little bit about your city, home town or neighborhood…



Here are some really helpful links in order to guide yourself to teach through music!












Since this is a process project, your teacher will evaluate its different parts and products, as follows:
Grade Components Percentage
Individual grade:
­ Your part in the final presentation 25%
­ Your partner’s evaluation 15% 40%
Group grade:
­ Group score in final presentation 40%
­ Interpretation of lyrics in step 2 10%
­ Interpretation of lyrics in step 3 10% 60%
Total grade 100 %
Now check the scoring rubrics for each component:
Final presentation:
­ Visual Organization | Analysis/ Coherence | Originality | Delivery

Partner’s evaluation:

Skills Criteria Points
1 2 3 4
Student offered assistance to team mates. None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____
Student worked with team mate’s ideas. None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____
Student actively contributed to the project. None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____
Respectful Persuasion:
Student exchanged, defended, and rethought ideas in a positive way. None of the Time Some of the Time Most of the Time All of the Time ____
Total Points ____


The Process
1. Your quest starts individually. You have 10 minutes to complete it.
• Please go to either of this links
• And listen to the lyrics of the song Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys.
• Please open a word document on a separate screen, and write the words down.
• You may listen to the song as many times as you need to, in order to reconstruct the words which form the lyrics of the song.


The Task

What’s in a song?
Is there more than a beat?
Do songs have meanings that cross the boundaries of nations and languages?
The lyrics of songs tell us a lot about the people and the culture that created them, but also about those who listen to them and sing along;

You are to prepare an oral presentation for your classmates that deciphers the meaning hidden behind the words of a song, attempts to infer the purpose of the author, and compares it with a couple of songs in your culture that deal with the same subject (with at least 3 similarities and 3 differences). Your presentation will be supported with an 8 slide power point, and optional audio of the songs for emphasis.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009



When you listen to a song do you understand the lyrics?
How good are you at deciphering the meaning of the lyrics when you first hear them?
Is there more than just the beat in a song? What’s more important?
OK, this web quest will help you find out a few things about you that you might not even know that you knew or maybe that you were good at…
For example, how good are your listening skills? How much do you understand the first time that you hear something? Do you get it at once or do you need repetition?
Lyrics Quest will help you compare and also find out how good you are at deciphering stuff.